Hi. I’m Carla, Registered Associate Nutritionist and Director of CarlaBredin.ie. I help people sort through the information they’ve been told about their health and their bodies. That information may have come from something as legitimate as a diagnosis from a health professional or from something as destructive as diet culture.
I have an MSc in Nutrition Science from the University of Surrey and am a Registered Associate Nutritionist with the Association for Nutrition (AfN). I have a bachelors degree in Sociology and Politics and it is through this lens that my work as a Registered Nutritionist is framed. I am committed to social justice in everything I do, and I strive to make my clinic an inclusive and safe space for people of all ages, body size, health status, ethnicity, sexual orientation and gender identity.
My approach to nutrition is evidence-based and person-centred. It is informed by nutritional science at its foundation and rounded out with the Health at Every Size approach. I am a certified Intuitive Eating counsellor and use a non-diet framework to help my clients repair their relationship with food, re-learn hunger and fullness cues and unlearn restrictive food rules. I have additional trainings and diplomas in nutrition counselling, eating disorders and disordered eating, trauma-informed care and body image healing.